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CampbellAlexander DuncombeAddress: Kamgton Dist .
Source: Attestation paper in WO126
Town Guard and District Mounted Troops
CampbellAlexander DuncombeBSACM Mashonaland 1890 (2) Rhodesia 1896 Mashonaland 1897. 1896: Sub.Lt. Salisbury FF; 1897: Native Comr. Native Comm. Dept.
Source: BSACM rolls
Pioneer Corps
CampbellAlexander Gumming18Occupation: Farmer. Next of kin: Father. Address: Adelaide .
Source: Attestation paper in WO126
Town Guard and District Mounted Troops
CampbellAlfredSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsWestern Province Mounted Rifles
CampbellAlfred2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(Duke of Albany's Ross-shire Buffs) Seaforth Highl
CampbellAlfred CorkramLieutenantSource: QSA Medal Rolls20th Company, 6th Btn, IY
CampbellAlfred CorkramLieutenantHe was killed in action at Nooitgedacht, December 13th, 1900. He was the son of Captain Hugh Campbell, RN, formerly Commander of the Royal Yacht "Victoria and Albert", and educated at Eton. Lieutenant Campbell belonged to the Lothians and Berwickshire Yeomanry, and was gazetted to the Imperial Yeomanry, with the rank of Lieutenant in the army, May 1900, joining the 6th battalion in November. He was killed while leading and rallying his men to support a detached party which had been attacked by the Boers at early dawn. The yeomen had to climb a precipitous hill 1,000 feet high. Sir A Conan Doyle thus describes what took place. "One by one the yeomen darted over the edge and endeavoured to find some cover in face of an infernal point blank fire. Captain Mudie of the Staff who went first was shot down. So was Purvis of the Fifes who followed him. The others springing over their bodies rushed for a small trench and tried to restore the fight. Lieutenant Campbell, a gallant young fellow, was shot dead as he rallied his men. Of 27 of the Fifeshires upon the hill, 6 were killed and 11 wounded".
Source: Donner
6th Battalion, Imperial Yeomanry
CampbellAllan43176TrooperNo known Company. Served in 37th Btn IY
Source: QSA Medal Rolls
Imperial Yeomanry
CampbellAllan2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(Duke of Albany's Ross-shire Buffs) Seaforth Highl
CampbellAllan L9611TrooperSource: Nominal roll in WO127SAMIF
CampbellAllan Laird24278S Sergeant MajorServed 29 Nov 00 to 12 Feb 01. Discharged No Longer Required
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Scottish Horse
CampbellAndrew36969Sergeant1st Battalion
Source: QSA Medal Rolls
Scottish Horse
CampbellAndrew36969Lance CorporalServed 27 May 01 to 03 Sep 02. Discharged Aldershot
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Scottish Horse
CampbellAndrew109PrivateSource: OZ-Boer databaseQueensland, 5th Imperial Bushmen Contingent
CampbellAndrew McKenzie1702TrooperSource: OZ-Boer databaseNew South Wales, 3rd Contingent NSW Mounted Rifles
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