Bell | Wm | 7234 | Gunner | QSA (4) CC OFS Tr SA01
Source: WO100/146 | Elswick Artillery Volunteers |
Bell-Irving | A | | Lieutenant Colonel | Entered 1875; Lieutenant Colonel, 1900. War service: Afghan War, 1878-80 (Despatches; medal with clasp); Boer War, 1899-1900. | Royal Artillery |
Bell-Irving | A | | Lieutenant Colonel | MID LG: 16 April 1901, page: 2605. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 2 April 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | Royal Artillery |
Bell-Irving | A | | Lieutenant Colonel | Royal Horse & Royal Field Artillery. MID LG: 29 July 1902, page: 4840. Source: General Kitchener. 23 June 1902. Re: Final despatch & mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | Royal Artillery |
Bell-Irving | Andrew | | Lieutenant Colonel | BELL-IRVING, ANDREW, Lieutenant Colonel, was born on 9 July 1855, fourth son of John Bell-Irving, of Whitehill, Dumfriesshire. He was educated at Merchiston Castle School, Edinburgh, and was gazetted to the Royal Artillery 28 January 1875, as Lieutenant. He served in the Afghan War, 1878-80; was present at the defence of Kandahar and the battle of 1 September. He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 3 December 1880], and received the Medal with clasp. He was promoted to Captain on the 1st December 1883, and to Major. Major Bell-Irving served throughout the South African War, in command of the 11th Brigade, Divisional Royal Field Artillery, to 31 May 1902. He took part in the operations in the Orange Free State, February to May 1900, including actions at Poplar Grove, Driefontein, Yet River (5 and 6 May) and Zand River. Operations in the Transvaal in May and June, 1900, including actions near Johannesburg, Pretoria and Diamond Hill (11 and 12 June). Operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, in 1900, including action at Belfast 26 and 27 of August. Operations in the Transvaal 30 November 1900 to 31 May 1902. He was mentioned in Despatches [London Gazette, 16 April, 1901, and 29 July 1902]; was created a Companion of the Distinguished Service Order [London Gazette, 19 April, 1901]: "Andrew Bell-Irving, Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Artillery. In recognition of services during the recent operations in South Africa". The Insignia were presented by the Duke of Cornwall and York 14 August 1901. He received the Queen's Medal with five clasps, and the King's Medal with two clasps. Major Bell-Irving had become Lieutenant Colonel on 30 June, 1900, and retired on 4 July 1903.
Source: DSO recipients (VC and DSO Book) | Royal Artillery |
Bell-Miller | O | | | 1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA rolls | Imperial Light Horse |
Bell-Miller | O | 1843 | Trooper | Source: Nominal roll in WO127 | Johannesburg Mounted Rifles |
Bell-Miller | Oliphans | 3170 | Trooper | 1st Battalion
Source: Nominal roll in WO127 | Imperial Light Horse |
Bell-Smyth | J A | | Captain | Brigadier General John Ambard Bell-Smyth served during the Boer War, on the Staff as ADC to Lieutenant General Infantry Division, 9 October 1899 to 3 March 2000; Brigade Major, 1 May 1900 to 19 November 1900; also served as Adjutant to Kimberley Mounted Corps, 4 March 1900 to 30 April 1900; 1st Dragoon Guards, 10 February 1901 to July 1901; employed with Brabant's Horse, and as Commandant, Middleburg. 2 January 1901 to 5 February 1901. Advance on Kimberley, including actions at Belmont, Enslin, Modder River and Magersfontein. Relief of Mafeking, and operations in the Transvaal, east of Pretoria, to 29 November 1900. (Despatches London Gazette 16 April 1901). For his services in the Great War he was awarded the CB (London Gazette 1919); CMG (London Gazette 1916); Mentioned in Despatches three times (London Gazette 1 January 1916, 11 December 1917 and 5 July 1919). [CB], [CMG], QSA (6) RofM Belm MR OFS Tr SA01 (Capt. & Bt. Maj., 1/Drgn. Gds.), 1914 Star (Lt. Col., 1/D. Gds.), BWM (Brig. Gen.), 1902 Coronation. DNW Jun 00 £2,100. | 1st (King's) Dragoon Guards |
Bell-Smyth | J A | | Captain | MID LG: 16 April 1901, page: 2606. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 2 April 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | 1st (King's) Dragoon Guards |
Bell-Smyth | John Ambard | | Captain & Brevet Major | QSA (6). Resigned Commission.
Source: QSA medal rolls | 1st (King's) Dragoon Guards |
Bell-Smythe | J A | | Captain | Source: Nominal roll in WO127 | Kimberley Horse |
Bell? | A E | | | Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | South African Constabulary |
Bella | J M | | | Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | 38th Battery, RFA |
Bella | James M | | | Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | 38th Battery, RFA |