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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
BrutionCecil Percival18Occupation: Boiler Maker. Next of kin: Father. Address: Tarkastad .
Source: Attestation paper in WO126
Town Guard and District Mounted Troops
BrutisMSpecial Contingent
Source: QSA and KSA rolls
Cape Police
BrutonATrooperFrontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1879Cape Mounted Yeomanry
BrutonC3rd battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Grenadier Guards
BrutonC MBuglerCGHGSM (1) Transkei
Source: Roll of the CGHGSM
Alexandria Burghers
BrutonC WSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsColdstream Guards
BrutonCecil PercivalSource: Attestation paper in WO126Brabant's Horse
BrutonE1927Regimental Sergeant MajorSource: QSA Medal Rolls49th Company, 9th Btn, IY
BrutonE1927Staff Sergeant MajorSource: DCM recipients3rd (The Prince of Wales's) Dragoon Guards
BrutonE1927Squadron Sergeant MajorMID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5964. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 4 September 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
Imperial Yeomanry
BrutonG EPrivateFrontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1877-8. Medal returnedQueenstown Volunteer Contingent
BrutonG WPrivateCGHGSM (1) Basutoland
Source: Roll of the CGHGSM
Cape Mounted Riflemen
BrutonH50B/608PrivateFrontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1879(Duke of Cambridge's Own) Middlesex Regiment
BrutonH966Private2nd Battalion
Source: QSA roll
Lancashire Fusiliers
BrutonH3328PrivateQSA (3).
Source: QSA medal rolls
16th (The Queen's) Lancers
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