Allingham | George Robert | 2527 | Corporal | Source: OZ-Boer database | New South Wales, 3rd Contingent NSW Imperial Bushm |
Allingham | Henry James | 591 | | Source: Medal rolls | Canada, 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Allingham | J | 3007 | Trooper | Severely wounded. Pongola Bush, 26 June 1901
Mounted Rifles
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll | New South Wales contingent |
Allingham | J H | | | 3rd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | King's Royal Rifle Corps |
Allingham | John | 26 | Private | Source: OZ-Boer database | West Australia, 1st Mounted Infantry Contingent |
Allingham | John Worthington | 3007 | Trooper | Source: OZ-Boer database | New South Wales, 3rd Contingent NSW Mounted Rifles |
Allingham | Robert John | 42923 | Lance Sergeant | Source: QSA Medal Rolls | 133th Company, 29th Btn, IY |
Allingham | S | 1876 | Corporal | Demise: Died of disease 15 Jan 1902
Place: Norvals Pont
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt | 21st Company, 2nd Btn, IY |
Allingham | Spencer | 32956 | Corporal | Source: QSA Medal Rolls | 91st Company, 23rd Btn, IY |
Allingham | T | 476 | Private | Frontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1877-8-9. KIA | Royal Warwickshire Regiment |
Allingham | Thomas | 2102 | Trooper | Served in 1st KFS. Joined Durban 20 Mar 02 Discharged 7 Jul 02 disbandment Johannesburg
Source: Nominal roll in WO127 | Kitchener's Fighting Scouts |
Allingham | W | | | Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | Frontier Light Horse |
Allingham | W | 59 | Trooper | Frontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1879. Medal returned | Frontier Light Horse |
Allington | A | | | Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | Coldstream Guards |
Allington | A | | | 2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | East Surrey Regiment |