Aston | W | 3138 | Private | 1st Battalion
Demise: Killed in action 24 Mar 1901
Place: Rietfontein
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt | Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
Aston | W | 3138 | Private | Killed in action. Rietfontein, 24 March 1901
1st Battalion.
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll | Royal Welsh Fusiliers |
Aston | W | | | 1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | South Staffordshire Regiment |
Aston | W | | | 1st Battalion, Volunteer Service Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | South Staffordshire Regiment |
Aston | W | 4096 | Private | QSA (3).
Source: QSA medal rolls | 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons |
Aston | W J | 411 | 2nd Corporal | QSA (5) CC OFS Joh DH Belf. KSA
TNA ref 156/72; 313/113 | Royal Engineers, Field Company, 12th |
Astridge | Arthur S | 23952 | Sergeant Major | Source: QSA Medal Rolls | 8th Company, 4th Btn, IY |
Astrop | A | | | 4th Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | King's Royal Rifle Corps |
Astrop | A | | | 4th Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | King's Royal Rifle Corps |
Astrop | J S | 29477 | Private | Source: QSA Medal Rolls | 100th Company, 5th Btn, IY |
Astrup | W J | | Seaman | Natal 1906 (1)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal | Natal Naval Corps |
Astwood | William | 8229 | Sapper | Attached 17th Field Company. 2nd Service Section.
QSA (5) CC OFS Tr SA01 SA02
TNA ref 162/100; 156/123; 162/107 | Royal Engineers, Volunteers, West Yorkshire |
Atbridge | E | | Trooper | Natal 1906 (1)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal | Royston's Horse |
Atcherley | L W | | Brevet Major | MID LG: 29 July 1902, page: 4852. Source: General Kitchener. 23 June 1902. Re: Final despatch & mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | Army Service Corps |
Atcherley | L W | | Captain | MID LG: 16 April 1901, page: 2606. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 2 April 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | Army Service Corps |