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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
CampbellCSource: QSA and KSA rollsBritish South Africa Police
CampbellC158PrivateInjured. Near Barberton, 30 March 1902
2nd Battalion. Railway accident. Volunteer Company
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Hampshire Regiment
CampbellC370CorporalKilled in action. Kalklaagte, 16 July 1901
E Division.
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
South African Constabulary
CampbellC1352PrivateMissing. Blood River Poort, 17 September 1901
3rd Battalion. Rejoined
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
King's Royal Rifle Corps
CampbellCScoutPrisoner. Bethesda, 10 August 1901
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
French's Scouts
CampbellC5542PrivatePrisoner. Reddersburg, 4 April 1900
2nd Battalion. Released
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Northumberland Fusiliers
CampbellCSource: WO100/146No 4 Mountain Battery, RGA
CampbellC230PrivateSlightly wounded. Elandsberg, 6 December 1901
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Queensland contingent
CampbellC1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
CampbellCLate District Mounted Rifles
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Frontier Light Horse
CampbellCCivil Veterinary SurgeonCivil Surgeon
CampbellC2095PrivateFrontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1879(Duke of Edinburgh's) Wiltshire Regiment
CampbellC1st Battalion
Source: Medal rolls
(Princess Louise's) Sutherland and Argyll Highland
CampbellC1st Battalion
Source: Medal rolls
(Princess Louise's) Sutherland and Argyll Highland
CampbellC370CorporalDemise: Killed in action 16 Jul 1901
Place: Petrusburg Near Kalklaagte
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
South African Constabulary
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