Bewicke-Copley | R C A | | Major | MID LG: 8 February 1901, page: 943. Source: General Buller. 30 March 1900. Re: Ladysmith
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | King's Royal Rifle Corps |
Bewicke-Copley | R C A | | | 1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | King's Royal Rifle Corps |
Bewicke-Copley | R C A | | | 1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | King's Royal Rifle Corps |
Bewicke-Copley | R C A B | | Lieutenant Colonel | Born 1855. Entered 1876. Lieutenant Colonel, March 1900. Staff service: ADC to Lieutenant Governor, Bengal, 1880; DAAG, Barbados, 1890-92; Headquarters, Ireland, 1892-95; AMS and ADC to Lieutenant General, India, 1896-98. War service: Sudan Expedition 1884-85 (medal with clasp; bronze star); Operations in Chitral, 1895 (medal with clasp); NW Frontier of India, 1897-98 (Despatches; February 1898; 2 clasps); Tirah, 1897-98 (Despatches; April 1900; clasp); Boer War, 1899-1900. His Obituary from the KRRC Chronicle (1923): The announcement of the rather sudden death of "Algy" Bewicke-Copley gave a shock to his old friends in the Regiment. He had always appeared to be the very picture of health, and as active as ever in mind and body; an activity but recently displayed in candidature for the House of Commons and in a visit to South America. Our friend joined the 4th Battalion at Agra in 1877, and entered with keenest zest into all the Regimental sports and pursuits. In the field of pig-sticking he did so well that, but for a piece of very bad luck, he would undoubtedly have won the Kadir Cup. After three years of service in India he was transferred to the 1st Battalion in Ireland and, with two intervals—one of active service in Egypt and the other of the Staff College-remained therein until 1890, when he received the appointment of DAAG at Barbados. The next ten years Bewicke-Copley spent on the Staff, partly in Ireland, partly in India. During the South African War he was promoted to the command of the 1st Battalion, and gained considerable distinction as leader of a flying column, in which capacity his coolness and presence of mind appeared to great advantage and gave every confidence to his troops. After the war he received further appointments on the Staff, but in 1912 retired from the Service. In the Great War the General's activities gained him the KBE. Within a few hours of his death he was followed to the grave by Lady Bewicke-Copley, who had just received instruction that the ancient barony of Cromwell had been revived in her favour, and would be inherited by her son.
KBE (Mil) 1st Type, CB (Mil), Egypt Medal (1) The Nile 1884-5 (Lieut), IGS 1895 (4) Relief of Chitral 1895 Samana 1897 Punjab Frontier1897-98 Tirah 1897-98 (Maj KRRC), QSA (6) CC TH OFS RofL Tr LN (Lt Col), KSA (2) (Lt Col CB ), 1911 Coronation Medal, Khedive's Star 1884-6
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources | King's Royal Rifle Corps |
Bewid | J | | | 4th Battalion
Source: Medal rolls | Cheshire Regiment |
Bewid | J | | | 4th Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | Cheshire Regiment |
Bewisher | J C D | 196 | Private | Slightly wounded. Elandsfontein, 29 May 1900
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll | Lumsden's Horse |
Bewkes | Jacob | 25 | Trooper | Source: Nominal roll in WO127 | Settle's Scouts |
Bewkes | Jacob  | 25 | Trooper | | Settle's Scouts |
Bewley | 1 | 1553 | Trooper | Demise: Died of disease 01 Feb 1902
Place: Bloemfontein
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt | New South Wales, 3rd Contingent NSW Mounted Rifles |
Bewley | A | | | 2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | (Duke of Edinburgh's) Wiltshire Regiment |
Bewley | A | | | 2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | Royal Warwickshire Regiment |
Bewley | Charles Wilson | 15320 | Private | Source: QSA Medal Rolls | 49th Company, 9th Btn, IY |
Bewley | E | | | Source: QSA and KSA rolls | Natal Police |
Bewley | Edmund | | Trooper | Unit: C. troop. Nationality: Prussia. Age: 20, Address: Bulawayo, Matabeleland.
Source: List of Jameson raiders | Unknown |