Welcome to the home of Anglo Boer War research
This site's aim is to make available information on the Anglo Boer War 1899 - 1902 and other South African conflicts in the period 1779-1906 and to provide a forum for discussion of the many aspects of these conflicts.
The site is owned by Dr David Biggins, author of four books on the Boer War. The site is free to use and has grown over the years since it was started by David and his late brother Chris in 2004. Click here for a brief introduction to the site.
Latest publication: The Wepener Siege Account and Medal Roll was released by Token Publishing on 27 March 2022.
Soldier's records: 753,000. Forum posts: 92,000. Full text books: 131. Articles: 5,050. PDF pages: 27,000. Images: 52,000.
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Boer War Tribute Medals
For detailed information on over 1,300 Tribute Medals, see the TRIBUTE MEDALS database, researched and compiled by Neville Constantine.
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Main forum
- British 303 Rounds.... Regular - Dum Dum (56 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Miscellany
- 24 minutes ago
- Searchlights (9 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Uniforms, badges and equipment
- 2 hours 27 minutes ago
- Imperial Hospital Corps (22 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Miscellany
- 8 hours 38 minutes ago
- Gravesites in S. Africa (9 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Memorials and monuments
- 11 hours 11 minutes ago
- Artillery and Ammunition (266 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Uniforms, badges and equipment
- 1 day 11 hours ago
- Information on burgher NWJ Kruger from 1881? (4 Posts)
- In Research and genealogy / Research
- 2 days 2 hours ago
- Postcards (115 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Ephemera
- 2 days 9 hours ago
- Major G.F.Ellison ephemera (18 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Ephemera
- 3 days 5 hours ago
- Details
Medals and awards
- QSAs with clasp Defence of Kimberley (322 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 13 hours 35 minutes ago
- Medals to the South African Light Horse (SALH) (26 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 13 hours 41 minutes ago
- Medals to the South Lancashire Regiment (14 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 1 day 13 hours ago
- Medals to the KOSB (21 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 1 day 14 hours ago
- Medals to the West Riding Regiment (16 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 1 day 14 hours ago
- Medals to Q Battery RHA (70 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 1 day 14 hours ago
- Medals to the 1st Dragoons (10 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 1 day 14 hours ago
- Medals to the Royal Artillery (186 Posts)
- In Anglo Boer War (1899-1902) / Medals and awards
- 1 day 14 hours ago
- Details
Other South African conflicts
- Medals to Isandhlwana casualties (29 Posts)
- In Frontier Wars (1779-1879) / Medals and awards
- 2 weeks 3 days ago
- Mounted infantry section, 2 Bn, Norfolk Regt in th... (1 Posts)
- In First Anglo Boer War (1880-1881) / Events and places
- 3 weeks 6 days ago
- Chichester in the Siege of Pretoria & the Red... (1 Posts)
- In First Anglo Boer War (1880-1881) / Medals and awards
- 1 month 2 weeks ago
- Medals to the Stanger Mounted Rifles (14 Posts)
- In Frontier Wars (1779-1879) / Medals and awards
- 2 months 2 weeks ago
- Zulu knobkerries (2 Posts)
- In Frontier Wars (1779-1879) / Miscellany
- 2 months 2 weeks ago
- Medals to HMS Active (3 Posts)
- In Frontier Wars (1779-1879) / Medals and awards
- 3 months 1 day ago
- Medals to Bowker's Rovers (1 Posts)
- In Frontier Wars (1779-1879) / Medals and awards
- 3 months 1 week ago
- Medals to HMS Shah (11 Posts)
- In Frontier Wars (1779-1879) / Medals and awards
- 3 months 1 week ago
- Details