Brin | Edward Thomas | 17 | | Occupation: Painter. Next of kin: Mother. Address: Capetown .
Source: Attestation paper in WO126 | Town Guard and District Mounted Troops |
Brin | T | | Trooper | Frontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1877-8. Medal returned | Diamond Fields Horse |
Brin | Thomas | 62 | Trooper | Source: Nominal roll in WO127 | Warren's Mounted Infantry |
Brinch | C | | Trooper | Natal 1906 (1)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal | Royston's Horse |
Brinchley | Edmund George | 5290 | Corporal | Source: QSA Medal Rolls | 26th Company, 7th Btn, IY |
Brincker | E F | | | Source: WO100/280 | Ceres TG |
Brincker | J A H | | | Source: WO100/226 | Civil Surgeon |
Brinckman | R | | Captain | 2nd Battalion
Source: QSA roll | (Princess Victoria's) Royal Irish Fusiliers |
Brinckman | R | | Captain | MID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5950. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 4 September 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | (Princess Victoria's) Royal Irish Fusiliers |
Brinckman | R | | Major | MID LG: 29 July 1902, page: 4848. Source: General Kitchener. 23 June 1902. Re: Final despatch & mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | (Princess Victoria's) Royal Irish Fusiliers |
Brinckman | T F | | Lieutenant Colonel | Born in 1862. He joined the 12th Lancers in 1881 and served in Egypt and the Sudan, before taking command of the 2nd Cavalry Brigade in the South African War. Brevet of Colonel, 1898. Staff service: ADC to GOC Belfast District, 1892; employed with Egyptian Army, 1892-99; Brigadier-General, Cavalry Brigade, South Africa, February 1900. Fighting in the Orange Free State, he captured the town of Lindley and seized the Republican Government in Reitz, which was followed by operations in the Transvaal. From 1903 to 1904 he was in command in Natal. War service: Expedition to Dongola, 1896 (Despatches; Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel; Egyptian medal with 2 clasps; medal); Nile Expedition, 1897 (2 clasps to Egyptian medal, 4th class Osmanieh); Nile Expedition, 1898 (Despatches, May and September 1898; Brevet of Colonel; 2 clasps to Egyptian medal; medal); South African War, 1899-1900. From 1903 to 1904 he was in command in Natal. As Lieutenant General, he was given command of the 57th Division in the Great War. He was killed in action in June 1917 near Armentieres.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources | (Buffs) East Kent Regiment |
Brinckman | T F | | | 3rd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | (Buffs) East Kent Regiment |
Brinckman | T F | | Lieutenant Colonel | MID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5960. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 4 September 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War | Militia |
Brinckman | W C | | | Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls | 38th Battery, RFA |
Brind | Archibald James | 44968 | Trooper | No known Company. Served in 37th Btn IY
Source: QSA Medal Rolls | Imperial Yeomanry |