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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
BothaJ PA Troop
Source: WO100/247
Farmer's Guard (Burgher Police)
BothaJ P CSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsNational Scouts
BothaJ P JSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsEast Griqualand Mounted Volunteers
BothaJ RSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsNational Scouts
BothaJ RVeldkornetSource: Roll of DTD recipientsBoer Forces
BothaJ R LSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsNational Scouts
BothaJ R SrTrooperBSACM Rhodesia 1896 (0).
Source: BSACM rolls
Victoria Rifles
BothaJ S FSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsWestern Province Mounted Rifles
BothaJ W JNominal roll #1 (B5)Driscoll's Scouts
BothaJ ZSource: WO100/283Middelburg TG
BothaJacob ChristoffelPrisoner number: 28735
Captured: Rissiesspruit 31 Jan 1902
Sent to: India
Age: 60
Address: Elandsfontein
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
BothaJacob ChristoffelPrisoner number: 28736
Captured: Rissiesspruit 31 Jan 1902
Sent to: India
Age: 14
Address: Elandsfontein
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
BothaJacob DiederickPrisoner number: 30548
Captured: Slootkraal 11 Mar 1902
Sent to: India
Age: 14
Address: Poortje
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
BothaJacob DiederikBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumKroonstad Commando
BothaJacob Johannes PBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumLichtenburg Commando
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