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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
BallingtonE WSource: QSA and KSA rollsBritish South Africa Police
BallingtonG2769TprJoined: 26 Jun 1902 and served 6 years 159 days. Total service 18 years 159 days. Date awarded the Natal LS&GC Medal: 26 Nov 1909. Also served N Staffs Regt, 2 Jan 86 to 1 Jan 98, totalling 12 years
Source: LS&GC recipients, South Africam Museum of Military History
Natal Police
BallingtonGTrooperNatal 1906 (1)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal
Natal Police
BallingtonSSource: QSA and KSA medal rolls73rd Battery, RFA
BallisJ H210 SignalSource: Nominal roll in WO127Kimberley Horse
BallisatS2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Grenadier Guards
BallisonC5568PrivateWounded. Modder River, 28 November 1899
1st Battalion.
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Northumberland Fusiliers
BallisonW4341PrivateWounded. Modder River, 28 November 1899
1st Battalion.
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Northumberland Fusiliers
BallisterR6th Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(Duke of Cambridge's Own) Middlesex Regiment
BallmentHughie263Attested: Aug 1901. Source: CMP2Cape Police
BallochI1st Battalion
Source: Medal rolls
(Princess Louise's) Sutherland and Argyll Highland
BallochJSource: QSA and KSA rollsBritish South Africa Police
BallochWSource: QSA and KSA rollsDEOVR
BallockDTrooperPrisoner. Brown's Farm, 7 February 1900
1st Battalion.
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Brabant's Horse
BallockDaniel376TrooperQSA (4) CC Wep Tr Witt. QSA (4). Spink September 1994 £160. Spink December 1988. DNW June 2007 £520
Source: Wepener Siege Account and Medal Roll
Brabant's Horse
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