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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes   Unit 
BreytenbachJohan HendrikKorporalClick here to access the record in the ForumCarolina Commando
BreytenbachJohan HendrikKorporalReceived the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumErmelo Commando
BreytenbachJohan HendrikBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumMiddelburg Commando
BreytenbachJohannes CasparBurgerCommando: General Liebenberg. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
BreytenbachJohannes HendrikusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumStanderton Commando
BreytenbachJohannes J MarthinusVecht GeneralAwarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst) and received the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumPotchefstroom Commando
BreytenbachJohannes PaulusBurgerCommando: Commandant Van Tonder. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
BreytenbachLouis LourensBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumRustenburg Commando
BreytenbachLukas Johannes WBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumCarolina Commando
BreytenbachMarthinus SBurgerAwarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst). Click here to access the record in the ForumWakkerstroom Commando
BreytenbachNicolaas JacobusBurgerCommando: General Erasmus. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
BreytenbachPetrus CBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumUtrecht Commando
BreytenbachPhillppus KarelBurgerCommando: General Erasmus. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
BreytenbachPhlllpus CorelBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
BreytenbachPieter Andries JacobusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumVrede Commando
BreytenbachRoelof Theunis JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumWakkerstroom Commando
BreytenbachStefanus PetrusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumMiddelburg Commando
BreytenbachThomas CarolBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBethulie Commando
BreytenbachWynand JacobusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
BreytenbachWynant PhillppusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumRustenburg Commando
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