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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes   Unit 
PretoriusGerhardus PetrusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumLichtenburg Commando
PretoriusGerhardus PetrusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PretoriusGerhardus PetrusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPotchefstroom Commando
PretoriusGerhardus Petrus NicolaasBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumMiddelburg Commando
PretoriusGerhardus StefanusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumRustenburg Commando
PretoriusGertBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumThaba Nchu Commando
PretoriusGert HendrikBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumGatsrand Commando
PretoriusGillam JohannesBurgerCommando: General de la Rey. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PretoriusGillam JohannesBurgerCommando: General de la Rey. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PretoriusGilliam ChristoffelBurgerCommando: General van Zyl. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PretoriusGysbert Johannes AndriesBurgerCommando: Commandant Wolmarans. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PretoriusGysbertus Johannes AndreasBurgerReceived the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumPotchefstroom Commando
PretoriusH A SKorporalClick here to access the record in the ForumRustenburg Commando
PretoriusHans JurgensBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumJohannesburg Commando
PretoriusHendrik ChristlaenBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPotchefstroom Commando
PretoriusHendrik JohannesBurgerCommando: Witwatersrand. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PretoriusHendrik JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumWakkerstroom Commando
PretoriusHendrik Johannes JacobusKapteinAwarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst) and received the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumBloemfontein Commando
PretoriusHendrik LodewykBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumHeilbron Commando
PretoriusHendrik LudwigBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumChristiana Commando
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