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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes   Unit 
PrinslooJoachim JohannesVeldkornetClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooJoachim PetrusBurgerReceived the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooJoachim Petrus NicolaasCommandantClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooJocephus Johannes LouisBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumMiddelburg Commando
PrinslooJochemis Johannes PetrusKorporalCommando: Veldkornet Pretorius. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PrinslooJochemus JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooJochemus Johannes PBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumJohannesburg Commando
PrinslooJochemus Johannes PetrusKorporalCommando: General Erasmus. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PrinslooJogemus JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooJohannes AndriesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumWinburg Commando
PrinslooJohannes AndriesKorporalClick here to access the record in the ForumVrede Commando
PrinslooJohannes AndriesBurgerCommando: General Prinsloo. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PrinslooJohannes Hendrik VisagieBurgerCommando: Witwatersrand. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PrinslooJohannes PetrusKorporalCommando: General Hertzog. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
PrinslooJohannes PieterBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooJosues JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooLourens AbrahamBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
PrinslooMarthinusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumHoopstad Commando
PrinslooMarthinusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumVrede Commando
PrinslooMarthinus Andries WillemBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
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