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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes   Unit 
LinfordGeorgeBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPotchefstroom Commando
LingbeekHeinhard SlevenDoktorCommando: Republlek Geneesdienst. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
LintonHarry LeslieBurgerReceived the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumJohannesburg Commando
LiversageCharles PhilipBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumCarolina Commando
LiversageGeorge Edward SamuelBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumHeidelberg Commando
LiversageHenry BondBurgerReceived the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumKrugersdorp Commando
LiversageHenry BondBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumVryheid Commando
LiversageJan ThomasBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumCarolina Commando
LiversageJohnLtClick here to access the record in the ForumVryheid Commando
LiversageJohn Peter JamesLtAwarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst). Click here to access the record in the ForumVryheid Commando
LizamoreAlfred HenryBurgerCommando: Veldkornet Oosthuizen. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
LizamoreGeorge SeymoureBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumHeidelberg Commando
LloydWillemBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemfontein Commando
LochnerFrederik ChristoffelBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumHeilbron Commando
LochrenbergFrederick Willem HBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumLichtenburg Commando
LockHendrik WillemBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemhof Commando
LockHendrik WillemBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemhof Commando
LockJacobus CoenraadBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemhof Commando
LockPhilip FrederikBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemhof Commando
LockPhilip FrederikBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemhof Commando
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