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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes   Unit 
MaartensCoertBurgerCommando: Johannesburg Politie. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
MaartensCornelius BothaKapteinCommando: General de la Rey. Awarded the DTD (Dekoratie voor Trouwe Dienst). Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
MaartensGeorge FrederikBurgerCommando: Vrystaat Suid. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
MaartensHerculas AlbertusBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
MaartensJacobus Martinus JohannesBurgerCommando: General Beyers. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
MaartensJohannes LodevikusBurgerCommando: Cape Colony. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
MaartensOeuald JoziaKorporalClick here to access the record in the ForumWaterberg Commando
MacleodD W EDoktorCommando: Nederlands Amblans. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
MaddenRichard CharlesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumVrede Commando
MagnusFrederik Wilhelm AlexanderBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumHoopstad Commando
MaguireLouis Daniel HKorporalCommando: Commandant Kritzinger. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
MaherHendrik EdwardBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumMiddelburg Commando
MaherHenryBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumMiddelburg Commando
MaherPeter JohnBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumMiddelburg Commando
MaherryJacobus JohannesBurgerReceived the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumPotchefstroom Commando
MahneJohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemhof Commando
MahneTobias GerhardusArtilleristClick here to access the record in the ForumPretoria Commando
MahneWillem LeonardBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumBloemhof Commando
MaillieJosephBurgerReceived the Wound Ribbon (Lint voor Verwonding). Click here to access the record in the ForumJohannesburg Commando
MaitlandThomasBurgerCommando: Commandant Jacobs. Click here to access the record in the ForumBoer Forces
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