St Clair | J L C | Colonel | Entered 1871; Colonel, 1899. Staff service: ADC to Major General Expedition Force, Egypt, 1882-83; Brigade Major, Aldershot, 1884-87; DAAG, West District, 1887-89; Guernsey, 1892-95; Deputy Judge Adv., London, 1896-99; Deputy Judge Advocate, Boer War, 1899-1900; Deputy Judge Advocate General, South Africa, February 1900.
CMG (b/b), Zulu Medal (1) 1879, Egypt (0), QSA (3) CC OFS Tr, KSA (2), Khedive Star. RHQ.
Source: List of CMG recipients. Various sources | (Princess Louise's) Sutherland and Argyll Highland |