Sands | Charles | 2254 | Private | Charles Sands was born in Hayes, Bromley, Kent. Having formerly served with the Sussex R.F.A. Volunteers, he enlisted into the Army and served with the Rifle Brigade. With the 2nd Battalion Rifle Brigade, he served in the Sudan and in South Africa. For his services at the Defence of Ladysmith, Sands was awarded the Distinguished Conduct Medal. After the war, Sands was discharged as time expired and was employed as a Groom. With the onset of the Great War he attested for the Royal Sussex Regiment on 1 September 1914, aged 43 years, 3 months. Serving with the 8th Battalion, he entered the France/Flanders theatre of war on 24 July 1915 and remained there until August 1916. Returning to England, he was then posted to the 23rd Battalion Training Reserve. In March 1917 he was transferred to the Agricultural Company Department of the Labour Corps. Sands was transferred to the Class Z Reserve on 13 March 1919. Distinguished Conduct Medal, E.VII.R. (2254 Pte., Rifle Bde.); Queen's Sudan 1896-98 (2254 Pte., 2/R. Bde.); Queen's South Africa 1899-1902, 3 clasps, Defence of Ladysmith, Laing's Nek, Belfast (2254 Pte., Rifle Brigade); King's South Africa 1901-02, 2 clasps (2254 Pte., Rifle Brigade); 1914-15 Star (347 Pte., R. Suss. R.); British War and Victory Medals (347 Pte., R. Suss. R.); Khedive's Sudan 1896-1908, 1 clasp, Khartoum, unnamed. DNW Mar 10 £3,100
Source: DCM recipients | (Prince Consort's Own) Rifle Brigade |
Satchell | D | 3003 | Private | D.C.M. London Gazette 21 April 1903; details London Gazette 9 July 1901: ‘At Bothaville, Orange River Colony, on 6 November 1900, as orderly to Lieut.-Colonel Ross, entered the house where Colonel Ross was at once dangerously wounded, Captain Williams killed, and Colonel Le Gallais mortally wounded. Satchell helped Colonel Ross down the passage in which all the damage was done, and into a back room. He then returned to the passage “down which bullets were flying like wasps” to help Williams and Le Gallais.' Colonel Ross later recommended the conduct of Private Satchell in a letter to Lieutenant-Colonel Hickie: ‘I was not in a fit condition after Bothaville to look after anyone's rights: was too much taken up with trying to hang on to my life! But don't you think Satchell is justly entitled to have his name submitted for a reward for gallantry? He not only stuck to me in the room where I was hit, when the bullets were flying in at the windows like wasps, but carried or rather assisted me out of that room, down the passage where both Le Gallais and Williams were lying mortally wounded, and put me in a place of safety in the back room, where you eventually found me. Having placed me there he again returned at the risk of his life, with water for poor Williams, but found him dead, and then I believe he assisted to remove Le Gallais to a safe place. I don't think that there was another soul in the house for some time. As you know, though considerably stunned and dazed, I never lost consciousness, and I think this statement is correct.' The following narrative of the action at Bothaville is taken from The Great Boer War by Arthur Conan Doyle: ‘On the 27th, two days after his retreat from Frederickstad he [De Wet] was overtaken - stumbled upon by pure chance apparently - by the mounted infantry and cavalry of Charles Knox and De Lisle. The Boers, a great disorganised cloud of horsemen, swept swiftly along the northern bank of the Vaal, seeking for a place to cross, while the British rode furiously after them, spraying them with shrapnel at every opportunity. Darkness and a violent storm gave De Wet his opportunity to cross, but the closeness of the pursuit compelled him to abandon two of his guns, one of them a Krupp and the other one of the British twelve-pounders of Sanna's Post, which, to the delight of the gunners, was regained by that very “U” battery to which it belonged. Once across the river and back in his own country De Wet, having placed seventy miles between himself and his pursuers, took it for granted that he was out of their reach, and halted near the village of Bothaville to refit. But the British were hard upon his track, and for once they were able to catch this indefatigable man unawares. Yet their knowledge of his position seems to have been most hazy, and on the very day before that on which they found him, General Charles Knox, with the main body of the force, turned north, and was out of the subsequent action. De Lisle's mounted troops also turned north, but fortunately not entirely out of call. To the third and smallest body of mounted men, that under Le Gallais, fell the honour of the action which I am about to describe. It is possible that the move northwards of Charles Knox and of De Lisle had the effect of a most elaborate stratagem, since it persuaded the Boer scouts that the British were retiring. So indeed they were, save only the small force of Le Gallais, which seems to have taken one last cast round to the south before giving up the pursuit. In the grey of the morning of November 6th, Major Lean with forty men of the 5th Mounted Infantry came upon three weary Boers sleeping upon the veldt. Having secured the men, and realising that they were an outpost, Lean pushed on, and topping a rise some hundreds of yards further, he and his men saw a remarkable scene. There before them stretched the camp of the Boers, the men sleeping, the horses grazing, the guns parked, and the wagons outspanned. There was little time for consideration. The Kaffir drivers were already afoot and strolling out for their horses, or lighting the fires for their masters' coffee. With splendid decision, although he had but forty men to oppose to over a thousand, Lean sent back for reinforcements and opened fire upon the camp. In an instant it was buzzing like an overturned hive. Up sprang the sleepers, rushed for their horses, and galloped away across the veldt, leaving their guns and wagons behind. A few stalwarts remained, however, and their numbers were increased by those whose horses had stampeded, and who were, therefore, unable to get away. They occupied an enclosed kraal and a farmhouse in front of the British, whence they opened a sharp fire. At the same time a number of the Boers who had ridden away came back again, having realised how weak their assailants were, and worked round the British flanks upon either side. Le Gallais, with his men, had come up, but the British force was still far inferior to that which it was attacking. A section of “U” battery was able to unlimber, and open fire at four hundred yards from the Boer position. The British made no attempt to attack, but contented themselves with holding on to the position from which they could prevent the Boer guns from being removed. The burghers tried desperately to drive off the stubborn fringe of riflemen. A small stone shed in the possession of the British was the centre of the Boer fire, and it was within its walls that Ross of the Durhams was horribly wounded by an explosive ball, and that the brave Jerseyman, Le Gallais, was killed. Before his fall he had despatched his staff officer, Major Hickie, to hurry up men from the rear. On the fall of Ross and Le Gallais the command fell upon Major Taylor of “U” battery. The position at that time was sufficiently alarming. The Boers were working round each flank in considerable numbers, and they maintained a heavy fire from a stone enclosure in the centre. The British forces actually engaged were insignificant, consisting of forty men of the 5th Mounted Infantry, and two guns in the centre, forty-six men of the 17th and 18th Imperial Yeomanry upon the right, and 105 of the 8th Mounted Infantry on the left or 191 rifles in all. The flanks of this tiny force had to extend to half a mile to hold off the Boer flank attack, but they were heartened in their resistance by the knowledge that their comrades were hastening to their assistance. Taylor, realising that a great effort must be made to tide over the crisis, sent a messenger back with orders that the convoy should be parked, and every available man sent up to strengthen the right flank, which was the weakest. The enemy got close on to one of the guns, and swept down the whole detachment, but a handful of the Suffolk Mounted Infantry under Lieutenant Peebles most gallantly held them off from it. For an hour the pressure was extreme. Then two companies of the 7th Mounted Infantry came up, and were thrown on to each flank. Shortly afterwards Major Welch, with two more companies of the same corps, arrived, and the tide began slowly to turn. The Boers were themselves outflanked by the extension of the British line and were forced to fall back. At half-past eight De Lisle, whose force had trotted and galloped for twelve miles, arrived with several companies of Australians, and the success of the day was assured. The smoke of the Prussian guns at Waterloo was not a more welcome sight than the dust of De Lisle's horsemen. But the question now was whether the Boers, who were in the walled inclosure and farm which formed their centre, would manage to escape. The place was shelled, but here, as often before, it was found how useless a weapon is shrapnel against buildings. There was nothing for it but to storm it, and a grim little storming party of fifty men, half British, half Australian, was actually waiting with fixed bayonets for the whistle which was to be their signal, when the white flag flew out from the farm, and all was over. Warned by many a tragic experience the British still lay low in spite of the flag. 'Come out! come out!' they shouted. Eighty-two unwounded Boers filed out of the enclosure, | Oxfordshire Light Infantry |