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(306 Records)

 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes   Unit 
RossW CMajorEntered 1877; Lieutenant Colonel, South Africa, February 1900. Staff Service: Inspector and Adjutant Great Indian Peninsula Railway, 1890-95; AMS and ADC to Lieutenant Governor, Punjab, 1898-1900. War service: Afghan War, 1879-80 (medal); Boer War, 1899-1900; Commanded 8th Corps Mounted Infantry till severely wounded.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources
Durham Light Infantry
RowellJLieutenant ColonelThis officer commanded the 4th Contingent South Australian Bushmen.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources
South Australia contingent
SchletterPLieutenant ColonelList of CB recipients. Various sources(King's) Liverpool Regiment
SclaterH C Lieutenant ColonelList of CB recipients. Various sourcesRoyal Artillery
ScotW ALieutenant ColonelEntered 1874; Lieutenant Colonel, 1899. Staff service: Adjutant Volunteers, 1891-96; Commandant School of Inst. for Military and Volunteers, Aldershot, 1897. War Service: Boer War; Ladysmith.
Source: List of CB recipients. Various sources
Gordon Highlanders
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