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LyttletonH GLieutenant GeneralWar service: Jowaki Expedition 1877 (medal with clasp); Egyptian Expedition 1882 (Despatches; medal with clasp; bronze star; Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel; 4th class Osmanieh); Nile Expedition (Despatches; promoted Major General for distinguished service; thanked by both Houses of Parliament; Egyptian medal with clasp; medal); Boer War, 1899-1900; on Staff. General Lyttelton is not only a remarkably fine soldier, but an excellent cricketer. He was the son of 4th Baron Lyttelton, was born in 1845, and married a daughter of the Right Honourable J Stuart Wortley.
Third son of the 4th Baron Lyttelton; was born at Haglyy, Worcestershire, Oct 28, 1845, and was educated at Eton, where he played in the Cricket XL in 1862-3-4, and was senior keeper of the Wall Football in 1863. He won the 100 yards at Eton in 1862, and was second in the 350 yards. Since his schooldays Sir Neville has continued to play cricket for many tears, chiefly regimental and military, and racquets and lawn tennis, and has had a good deal of large and small game shooting. He joined the Rifle Brigade in Jan, 1865, becoming Lieutenant Colonel commanding a battalion in Dec, 1892. He has held the following Staff appointments: ADC to Earl Spencer, Lord-Lieutenant, of Ireland, 1868-73; Private Secretary, to Mr Childers, Secretary, of State for War, 1880-2; ADC to Sir John Adye, Chief of Staff, Egyptian Campaign, 1882; Mil. Secretary, to Sir John Adye, Governor of Gibraltar, 1883-5; Mil. Secretary, to Lord Reay, Governor of Bombay, 1885-90; AAG, War Office, 1895-97; Assistant Mil. Secretary, 1897-9; Brig. General Khartoum Campaign, 1898; Major General Infantry Brigade, Aldershot, 1899; Major General 4th Infantry Brigade, SA, 1899-1900; Lieutenant Gen 2nd and 4th Divisions in Natal and the NE Transvaal, commanding in Natal, 1900-02; Lieutenant General commanding Transvaal and ORC from 1902 to Feb, 1903, and commanded the troops in South Africa from that date until, under the new Army reorganisation scheme, he returned to England early in 1904 to become one of the three military members of the Army Council and Chief of the General Staff. General Lyttelton saw active service in the Fenian raid in Canada in 1866 (medal and clasp), Jowaki Expedition, 1877 (medal and clasp), Egyptian War, 1882, when he was present at Tel-el-Kebir (medal and clasp, bronze star, 4th class Osmanieh, brevet of Lieutenant Colonel), Khartoum Expedition, 1898, including the battle of Khartoum (Egyptian medal and clasp and medal, was promoted Major General and thanked by the Houses of Parliament). His fighting in the Boer War, 1899-1902, included the campaign in Natal, the operations in Eastern and NE Transvaal in the Cape Colony against De Wet, and the operations on the Natal border (medal with clasps for Tugela Heights, Relief of Ladysmith, Laing's Nek, Belfast, CO and ORC; also the KSA and two clasps). He was further promoted to Lieutenant General and made KCB He was eight times mentioned in despatches. He has received the Good Service Reward. His other service abroad includes twelve years in India. Sir Neville married, Oct 1, 1883, Katharine Sara, daughter of the Rt Hon James Stuart Wortley.
Source: List of KCB recipients. Various sources
MacDonaldH AColonelList of KCB recipients. Various sourcesStaff
MarshallG HColonelEntered 1861; Colonel, 1897. Staff service: Chief Inst. School of Gunnery, 1893-97; Brigadier General Commanding RA, Aldershot District, 1897-99; Major General Commanding RA, South Africa, 1899. War service: Boer War, 1899-1900.
Source: List of KCB recipients. Various sources
MaxwellJ GMajorList of KCB recipients. Various sourcesStaff
MethuenP SLieutenant GeneralEntered Guards, 1864; Colonel, 1888; Lieutenant General, 1898. Staff service: Brigade Major, Home District, 1871-76; Special Service, Ashanti Expedition 1873-74; Assistant Military Secretary, Headquarters, Ireland, 1877; Military Attache, Berlin, 1878-81; AA and QMG Home District 1881-82; Commandant at Headquarters, (AA and QMG), Expedition Forces, Egypt, 1882; AA and QMG, Home District 1882-84; DAG, South Africa, 1888-90; Major General Home District 1892-97; Lieutenant General, Infantry Division, South Africa, 1899. War Service—Ashanti War, 1873-74 (medal); Egyptian Expedition 1882 (Despatches; medal with clasp; bronze star; 3rd class Osmanieh; CB); Bechuanaland Expedition 1884-85 (honourably mentioned; CMG); Operations on NW Frontier of India, 1897-98 (Despatches; medal with 2 clasps); Boer War, 1899-1900. Lord Methuen, born 1845, was the son of the 2nd Baron, and was married in 1879 to the daughter of Sir F H Hervey-Bathurst, Baronet, and after her death to the daughter of Mr D A Sanford. This officer, at the commencement of the war, enjoyed the distinction of being the youngest Lieutenant General in the Army. He had hitherto taken a prominent part in promoting the efficiency of the Metropolitan Volunteer Corps, which services cannot be too highly estimated. Owing to his remarkable and increasing activity during the present war, he has proved himself one of the chief mainstays of Lord Roberts's operations.
Source: List of KCB recipients. Various sources
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