Mike and others interested
According to "Crossing the Buffalo - the ZULU war of 1879" by Adrian Greaves (2005), "An interesting postscript concerning Chard's Victoria Cross occurred in 1999." "Stanley Baker ........ acquired Chard's pair of medals at auction in 1972. Although the campaign medal was genuine, the VC was catalogued as a copy". (Baker paid pounds 2,700 for the pair). "On Stanley Baker's death, the cross changed hands three times until it ended up, lodged for safety, with Spinks of London who decided to check the nature of Chard's "copy" medal; its metallic characteristics were tested by the Royal Armouries" . "The test results were compared with those of the bronze ingot kept at the Central Ordnance Depot, from which all Victoria Crosses are cast". "Tests revealed that the "copy" had came from the same block and there was no doubt it was the genuine article".
For those interested in the ZULU war, "Crossing the Buffalo" is an excellent choice to add to the library.