From the next City Coins auction, November 2020
Doornkop, 29 May 1900
On May 29th, 1900 just before Johannesburg and the site of the Jameson Raiders’ arrest, the Gordons made a series of gallant charges against an entrenched enemy on a hill with a false crest. In addition to heavy casualties amongst the officers, seventeen NCOs and men were killed and more than 60 were wounded. Six companies took part in the charge and the loss to the regiment was about 20%. After this epic battle Churchill declared “there is no doubt that they are the finest regiment in the world”.
A narrative of the battle as recorded by Lieutenant Forbes reads:
“29th May-Set out for Florida (Doornkop) in a very thick, cold mist, but found the Boers in a very strong position. The Gordon’s were ordered to advance from a small kopje, 5000 yards from the enemy. H Company, commanded by Captain Cameron, advanced by half companies, followed by our company (M); all extended to 30 paces; I (Lieut H. Forbes) was in command of left half. Our big guns soon opened fire on the enemy’s position, but with little effect. The Boers replied badly. After we were within range of their Mausers, a tremendous fire was poured into us, and we had practically no cover. Buchanan was wounded early in the day. Within 150 yards, both companies were mixed up and we charged together, sending the Boers from one position only to take up another, whence they poured a most destructive fire amongst us. I had the luck to be in one of the hottest comers, and men were falling all around. The scene was awful. It was at this spot Captain Cameron and F. J. O. M’Kinnon and I were hit, and poor Meldrum was killed. I had just bandaged Cameron’s four wounds when I was myself bowled over. Bayonets were fixed and the Boers were cleared off the ridge. I wish I could have been there. The Gordons did the fighting, but the bill was heavy. After the fight, General Sir Ian Hamilton addressed the Gordon’s in terms of the highest praise and where I was lying, I could hear the ringing cheers of the men.”
QSA (4) CC, Paard, Drief, Jhburg (5906 Pte. J. McGregor, Gordon Highrs.)
Pte McGregor was severely wounded at Doornkop and subsequently invalided home.
QSA (4) CC, Paard, Drief, Jhburg (Pte. J. Urquhart, Gordon Highrs.)
Pte Urquhart was killed in the Doornkop action and is buried in Roodepoort.