"The Transvaal War 1880-1881" by Lady Bellairs, her Blue Book Sources mention that during the Boer ambush of the part of the 94th Regiment, under the command of LtCol. Anstruther, at Bronkorst Spruit, immediately after the Colonel refused the Boer ultimatum, in rushing back to his troops he shouted orders to skirmish. Of course, the Boers opened fire on the whole lot to devastating effect. LtCol. Anstruther being shot 5 times in the legs and dying in the nearby field hospital a week later. But, after the British hoisted the white flag, still lying next to one of the wagons, blood and gore all around, one of the first things he did was order a glass of Champagne from his orderly, this was duly provided and, of course, shared with the Boer Commander who proposed a toast to the new South African Republic. I am no longer surprised by the style some British Officers choose to go out with in the worst of circumstances. A toast to the late Lt. Colonel Anstruther!