Country: New Zealand
Issued on: Return
Date of presentation: 26/07/1901
Number issued: 10


Gold Maltese crosses, to:

1st New Zealand Mounted Rifles –

131 Quartermaster-Sergeant B. ELLIS

2nd New Zealand Mounted Rifles –

472 Trooper J.D. HAWKS

4th New Zealand Mounted Rifles –
Captain James Millar NICOLSON
1017 Trooper W.E. BUNTING

1021 Trooper C.N.A. CORNISH

5th New Zealand Mounted Rifles –
1619 Bugler Angus Mitchell DON
1615 Trooper T.W. CUBITT (absent)
1664 Trooper J.A. MILLAR

1689 Trooper J.S. THORN

Kitchener's Horse –
23451 Trooper W.P. DAVIDSON (absent)
Presentation made by Mr L. Kemnitz (deputy-mayor), in St John's Schoolroom, Roslyn.
Inscribed: "Presented to [Captain Nicolson] by the inhabitants of the Roslyn district upon his return from the Boer War, 26th July, 1901".




Evening Star, 27th July 1901


There was a very large gathering at St. John’s Schoolroom in Roslyn last evening to formally welcome home the returned troopers. Mr L. Kemnitz (deputy-mayor) occupied the chair. The guests of the evening were Captain J.M. NICOLSON (Fourth Contingent), Q.M.S. B. ELLIS (First Contingent), Troopers J.D. HAWKS (Second Contingent), W.E. BUNTING, C.N.A. CORNISH (Fourth Contingent), J.S. THORN, J.A. MILLAR, and Bugler A.M. DON (Fifth Contingent). There were also on the platform: Canon Mayne, the Rev. R.R.M. Sutherland, Mr R. Chisholm, and Captains Haig and Washer. The Chairman said he had apologies from Troopers W.P. DAVIDSON (Kitchener's Horse) and T.W. CUBITT (Fifth Contingent), who were unable to attend. He expressed the gladness of the people of Roslyn at seeing their men return home safely. He had much pleasure in presenting to each of the Roslyn men who had returned a gold Maltese cross, suitably inscribed, which would serve to commemorate the event.

Amid tumultuous applause, the Chairman pinned the medals on each trooper. Fervent patriotic speeches were made by Mr R. Chisholm, Canon Mayne, and the Rev. R.R.M. Sutherland, each being received with applause. Captain NICOLSON replied for himself and the troopers, thanking the people with feeling. He also gave a short account of his experiences.

The first part of the evening- was diversified by the rendering of the following programme: — Overture, …… [etc, etc.]

Every item was received with great applause, and the concert was decidedly successful.

In the dance that followed about 150 took part, and some enjoyable hours were spent thus. An excellent supper was supplied by the ladies of the district. Corporal Evans (Wakari Rifles) and Mr S. Morrison were the M.C.s, and Herr Paul Sonderhof and Mr De Lautuor supplied the music.
Otago Witness, 7th August 1901



A large audience assembled in the St. John's Hall, Roslyn, on the occasion of a social tendered to the troopers from the district recently returned from South Africa. Mr L. Kemnitz (deputy-mayor) occupied the chair, and he was supported on the platform by Mr R. Chisholm, Canon Mayne, the Rev. R.R.M. Sutherland, Captain Haig, and Captain Washer (Wakari Rifles). The returned troopers were with difficulty induced to come upon the platform, the Chairman stating that they would rather face a horde of Boers than a peaceful meeting like the present one.

The Chairman apologised for the absence of his Worship the Mayor (Mr Thos. Mackenzie), who was in Wellington on parliamentary duties; for Trooper W.P. DAVIDSON, who was ill; and for Trooper T.W. CUBITT, who was out of town. Captain NICOLSON and the rest of his contingent were on the platform, and they were glad, to see them back safely. The Chairman then called upon Captain NICOLSON (fourth contingent) to step forward, and amidst deafening applause proceeded to pin upon his breast a golden Maltese cross, upon which was inscribed “Presented to Captain Nicolson by the inhabitants of the Roslyn district upon his return from the Boer War, 26th July, 1901”. Each of the troopers in turn was called to the front, and amidst repeated ovations the Chairman pinned medals upon the breasts of Quartermaster-sergeant ELLIS (first contingent), Trooper W.E. BUNTING (fourth contingent), Trooper J.D. HAWKES (second contingent), Trooper J.S. THORN (fifth contingent), Bugler A.M. DON (fifth contingent), Trooper C.N.A. CORNISH (fourth contingent), and Trooper J.A. MILLAR (fifth contingent).