State: Victoria
Issued on: Departure
Date of presentation: 28/01/1902
Number issued: 2


Gold medals, suitably inscribed, to:

2nd Australian Commonwealth Horse (Vic) –
668 Shoeing Smith Thomas TOOGOOD
699 Private Louis James WHEELER
Presentation made by Mr E.E. Walker, J.P., in the Mitcham Hall.



Box Hill Reporter, 31st January 1902

Send-off at Mitcham.

A rend-off was tendered to Privates L.J. WHEELER and T. TOOGOOD, who are going to South Africa as members of the commonwealth contingent, at the Mitcham Hall, on Tuesday, January 28th. Mr E.E. Walker, J.P., was in the chair. The first part of the entertainment took the form of a concert, to which the following performers lent their kind aid: Messrs Pope, Mellor, E. Rawlings, Bert Rawlings, R. Timmins, D. McClelland, C.E. Husband, and W. Bewley. At the termination of the concert, the two soldiers having been marched through the hall by Sergeant-Major Alderman, of C. Company 2nd Battalion, under whom the men had recruited, and on their reaching the stage, the entire audience, numbering about 300, rose and enthusiastically sang "God save the king". Mr Walker, in a few words very much to the point, presented the men with 2 handsome gold medals, suitably inscribed, on behalf of the residents of the district. After the men had replied in neat speeches, Sergeant-Major Alderman told the audience that they might well feel proud of their representatives in the commonwealth contingent as they were without doubt two of the smartest men in the company. After refreshments had been handed round, the hall was cleared, an impromptu dance was kept going till a late hour, everyone voting the whole entertainment as a great success. Great thanks must be given to the following ladies, who worked indefatigably on the refreshment committee: – Mesdames Town, McGhee, Barelli, and Misses McClelland, McDonnell and Thomas; also to the energetic hon. sec., Mr H.A. Wilkins.
Lilydale Express, 31st January 1902


A most enthusiastic gathering assembled in the Mitcham Hall on Tuesday last, for the purpose of entertaining Farrier F. TOOGOOD and Private Jas. WHEELER, prior to their departure with the Commonwealth Contingent for South Africa. Mr E.E. Walker presided, and the affair proved the most successful ever had in the Mitcham HaII. The Committees of Management and Finance deserve great praise for the prompt way in which they worked up the entertainment.

The programme was gone through is follows: — Violin and pianoforte duet, Messrs Mellor and Pope; song, "Sons of the Southern Sea", Mr Simmons; comic song, "Woman's Way", Mr E. Rawlings (encored); song, "First in the Field", Mr Mellor; comic song, "Is there anything else you'd like", Mr D. McClelland; song, "Death of Nelson", Mr Pope; then followed six selections rendered by Mr Bewley's graphophone, which were loudly applauded. At this juncture, the Sergeant-Major of C Company of mounted rifles, accompanied by Farrier TOOGOOD and Private WHEELER, entered the room amid great cheering and the singing of the National Anthem. Song, "I should like to be a soldier", Mr C.E. Husband; comic song, "Love to all", as an encore, "Here we are again", Mr E.E. Rawlings.

Then followed the most important item of the evening, viz., the presentation of a gold medal suitably inscribed to each of the soldiers by the chairman, who spoke in the highest terms of praise of their manly qualifications, wishing them every success on the battlefield and a safe return to their native land.

The sergeant-major also offered a few words of advice and encouragement to the departing soldiers, who he said were two of the smartest men in the C company.

After refreshments had been handed round, the proceedings concluded about mid-night with a dance, and everybody returned to their homes highly delighted with the evening’s enjoyment.

The secretarial work was in the capable hands of Mr H.A. Wilkins.