County: Jeresy
Issued on: Departure
Date of presentation: 05/10/1900
Number issued: 1


Gold chain & pendant, to:

Cape Medical Staff Corps –
25271 Private Frederick Jeune FLEURY

Presentation made by Mr W. Curtis (Vice-President of the Club), during a smoker, held in the J.A.C. Club-house.

Obverse with recipient's monogram.

Reverse: "Presented to J.F. Fleury by the members of the J.A.C."

Supplied by Messrs Edgar Bros, Halkett Place, St Helier.
Although leaving for South Africa, this presentation appears to have been for Mr Fleury's past service as the Club's Hon. Secretary.
The wording of the address suggests he was emigrating to South Africa. However, after landing he joined the Cape Medical Staff and later served with the Field Intelligence Department.


Jersey Independent, 06/10/1900

Jersey Independent, 6th October 1900

During an interval of the “smoker” the Chairman rose and said that, in the name of the President, he had a very pleasing duty to perform. That was to make a presentation to the Club’s late Hon. Secretary, who for 18 months had fulfilled his task with zeal and energy, and who had endeared himself to every individual member. In Making the presentation of the gold chain and pendant, on their behalf, he wished him every success in his after life. The Committee wished, he added, to give him an illuminated address, but he unfortunately could not present it at that meeting.

Mr FLEURY, who was much moved, expressed his deep gratitude for the kind manner in which the Club had appreciated his services, saying he would prize the chain and address wherever his path in life lay.

The chain and pendant are fine specimens of the jewellers art, and were purchased at the establishment of Messrs Edgar Bros (Halkett Place). The pendant on one side bears Mr FLEURY’s monogram and on the reverse “Presented to F.J. Fleury by the members of the J.A.C.”

The following is the text of the address: –

Jersey Athletic Club,
Lower Bath Street,

Sept. 28th, 1900.


On the eve of your departure from Jersey for South Africa, we, the undersigned, on behalf of the members of the above Club, beg of you to accept this gold chain and pendant, as a small token of the esteem in which you are held amongst us.

May this small present always remind you of the friends you have left at the Jersey Athletic Club, and wish you all success in your new sphere of life. (Signed) ….. [etc.]