County: Dumbartonshire
Issued on: Departure
Date of presentation: 21/02/1901
Number issued: 6


Gold badges, to:

2nd Volunteer Active Service Company, Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders ["E" Company, 1st Dambarton R.V.] –
8445 Lance-Corporal James HOSIE
8452 Private James BROWN
8568 Private George CRAWFORD
8590 Private Lewis McGREGOR
8447 Private William MILLER
8444 Private John WELSH
Presentation made by Captain A. Leith, on behalf of fellow-members of the Company, in the Drill Hall, Jamestown.

Subscribed for by members of "E" Jamestown Company, 1st Dumbarton Rifles.

Although he did not sail for the Cape, Instructor MORRISON was also the recipient of a gold albert and badge.



The Scotsman, 22nd February 1901


Last night the six men belonging to the Jamestown Company of the 1st Dumbartonshire Rifle Volunteers who have been accepted for active service were entertained in the Drill Hall, Jamestown, by the members of their company and a large number of friends. The men are undergoing special training at Stirling, and were allowed a day’s furlough. In the course of the evening the chairman presented each of the six Volunteers with a handsome gold badge from the members of the company, and Mr Robert Balls, Jamestown, presented each with a purse of sovereigns.
North British Daily Mail, 22nd February 1901


Last night six men belonging to E Jamestown Company 1st Dumbarton Rifles were entertained in the Drill Hall, Jamestown, by the members of their company and a large number of friends in the Vale of Leven district. The men are Lance-Corpl. James HOSIE, Privates John WELSH, George CRAWFORD, James BROWN, Lewis McGREGOR, and William MILLER. The proceedings were of a most enthusiastic character. Headed by the pipe band, the six stalwarts, dressed in their khaki uniform, marched into the hall to the strains of the “Cock of the North”, whilst the audience cheered again and again. Captain A. Leith presided, and was supported by a number of well-known townsmen. In the course of the evening the chairman presented each of the six Volunteers with a gold badge from the members of the company. Mr Robert Balls, schoolmaster, Jamestown, presented each of the men with a purse of sovereigns. Instructor Morrison was also the recipient of a gold albert and badge from the members of the company.