State: Victoria, Australia
Issued on: Departure
Date of presentation: 10/01/1900, 11/02/1901
Number issued: c. 4


Gold medal, suitably inscribed, to:

10/01/1900 presentation

2nd Victorian (Mounted Rifles) Contingent –

346 Private John Christopher BARNES [Barns]

Presentation made by N.G. Bro. J.A. Martyn, at a smoke night arranged by the local company of Victorian Rangers.

11/02/1901 presentation

5th Victorian (Mounted Rifles) Contingent –

872 Private Hector McLACHLAN

Presentation made by Mr E. Williams, in the Agricultural Hall, Dandenong.

"The recipient is the fourth member of the lodge who has gone to fight in South Africa" (Melbourne Argus, 14/02/1901).

This suggests that at least two further medals were presented to members of the lodge.




South Bourke Journal, 17th January 1900

Rangers' Smoke Night.

The local section Rangers held a social meeting on Wednesday last, as a send-off to their comrades who have been selected for service in South Africa with the second Victorian contingent. It was anticipated that the men would be out for the evening by the 6.15 p.m. train from Melbourne, but when this train arrived in Dandenong it was found that they had not come. Arrangements were then delayed until the arrival of the 9.10 train when only one member, Private C. BARNS, arrived, and he only for a few minutes, and as he had to report himself to camp again the same night, he had to leave again by the 9.37 p.m. train. In these few minutes however, much was done. In a short, concise speech by Major Rodd, Private BARNS received an idea of the splendid feeling of his comrades towards himself and the other local members of the contingent. He was also presented with a souvenir in the form of a gold medal, suitably inscribed, from the members of his lodge, the M.U.I.O.O F. The presentation was made by N.G. Bro. J.A. Martyn, who stated that the lodge could ill afford to lose such an active member as Bro. BARNS. In responding, "Chis" thanked all present for the hearty reception tendered, and hoped to be soon among then again. A move was then made for the station, and as the train moved off three hearty, ringing cheers were given by those assembled on the platform to see him off and to wish him and comrades God-speed. The social was then gone on with and continued until 12 o'clock, all present expressing themselves highly satisfied with the evening they had spent.
South Bourke Journal, 13th February 1901
Dandenong and district contributes no less than seven volunteers amongst the 5th and 6th contingents for South Africa, and these, comprising Lieut. H. GROVER, Lance-Corporal BAILEY, Privates McLACHLAN, ORGILL, POWIS, HENDY, and CHALMERS, were entertained at a smoke night held at the Agricultural Hall on Monday night, when about 50 of the townspeople attended, and Col. A.W. Rodd presided over the gathering. A heavy list of speeches, songs, and recitations was gone through, the company dispersing at 11.30 after the National Anthem had been sung. During the evening Mr. E. Williams, on behalf of the local branch of the Oddfellows' Lodge presented Private McLACHLAN with a handsome gold medal bearing suitable inscription. The arrangements were satisfactorily prepared and carried out by the committee, whilst Mr V. Griffin attended to the many duties attached to the office of secretary.
Melbourne Argus, 14th February 1901


On Monday night a “send-off” in the shape of a smoke social was given to the local men of the 5th and 6th contingents for South Africa. The function took place in the Agricultural Hall, and there were about 60 gentlemen present. Colonel Rodd occupied the chair, and a most enjoyable evening was spent. The local members of the contingents present were – Lieutenant GROVER, and Privates McLACHLAN, PORRISS, ORGILL, BAILEY, HENDY, and CHARMAN. Private McLACHLAN was presented with a gold medal by his brothers of the Manchester Unity Lodge, N.G. Brother E. Williams making the presentation. The recipient is the fourth member of the lodge who has gone to fight in South Africa.