I didn't find (or I completely missed it) a thread for "Medals to the Brabant's Horse", so I start one with my group below.
I won this medal group on an auction - I went for it because I could look up the person on the mercantile marine medal and the name and number matched with the WW1 1914-15 Star:
Name: John Peter Anderson
Place of Birth: Copenhagen (Denmark)
Date of Birth: 1864
RS2 No: 398611
Medal bar:
- Queen's South Africa medal (CAPE COLONY, ORANGE FREE STATE): "23474 TPR. J.P.Anderson Braband. S. Horse." [engraved]
- WW1 1914-1918 medal: "JOHN P. ANDERSON" [impressed]
- Mercantile Marine medal: "JOHN P. ANDERSON" [impressed]
- WW1 1914-15 Star: "398611 JOHN P. ANDERSON MERCANTILE MARINE" [impressed]
It's a rather rough medal bar - perhaps created in a rush by Anderson?
The QSA is engraved over an erased impressed text.
He's a Dane and perhaps he or the engraver got the "Brabant's" to a "Braband. S.", since t is more silently pronounced in Danish (from what I've read)?
From the ribbon bars it looks like some medals are missing, like the KSA and the WW1 victory medal.
The QSA & KSA ribbon bar is just one ribbon for both medals.
The rank insignia I haven't researched yet. Perhaps it's a navy or mercantile marine rank insignia?
I've downloaded the WO 100/237 from the UK National Archives but I didn't find a match to the number 23474. The WO 100/237 documents are all dated rather late in the war and also after.
The best matching row was in WO 100/237-3, page 39:
2nd Brabant's Horse.
4062; Trooper; Anderson, J.P.; 2nd Battalion; clasps - Cape Colony, Orange Free State; Trans B.H. 1 6 00 [1900-06-01]
Document dated: Capetown, 16.11.02 [1902-11-16].
I also found Trooper 4062 on page 1:
X062; Anderson; J. Peter; Trooper; 18 3 00 [1900-03-18], II Res.; Dis.[?] 1/6/00 m.w.
The row above is booked in the database as:
Anderson; J Peter; 62; Trooper; 2nd Brabant's Horse. Source: Nominal roll in WO127
If the source is page 1 on the link above, then it should perhaps be number 4062 and not 62?
I am most interested in the other volumes about Brabant's Horse, but they are not yet digitized.
WO 126/6, Brabant's Horse A-B:
WO 127/3, Brabant's Horse:
So, after all this text, I am hoping that perhaps some of you could help me shed some light regarding the QSA medal?