Here are some of the images included in the second album.
These were all sold by prolific photographer John Ernest Middlebrook of Durban. Not all, however were taken by him. The Mafeking image, for instance, was captured by Boer photographer van Hoepen.
Middlebrook had a numbering system for his ABW photographs, all references having the prefix "Q". The range of the examples below (Q.9 - Q.614) gives an idea of the staggering number of images he churned out. These prints continued to be sold long after the end of hostilities.
According to Geni.com, Middlebrook lived from 21/02/1863 to 06/04/1943. He was born in Durban and died in Christchurch, New Zealand.
"Q.198 Copyright / Boer spies arrested in and near Chieveley Camp - Boer War 1899 / J.E.M., Photo"
"Boren Fort Te Mafeking / Van Hoepen Pretoria" "Q.614 Copyright Middlebrook, Durban / Boer Forts at Mafeking"
"Q.583 / Boers in the trenches at Spion Kop / Copyright Middlebrook, Durban" (clearly not taken at Spion Kop)
Q.9 (Copyright) / The IX Lancers in Durban Harbour who lost 70 horses in a storm / J.E.M., Photo"
"Q.299 (Copyright) / Mr Winston Churchill after his escape from the Boers revisits the scene of his heroism - the Armoured Train Disaster - Boer War 1899-1900 / J.E.M., Photo"