Being comments from week to week to the relief of Ladysmith
By Spenser Wilkinson
Westminster Archibald Constable & Company Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company. 1900


1. The eve of war
2. The military issues
3. A week's campaign
4. Playing with fire
5. How weak policy leads to bad strategy
6. Two views or true views?
7. Buller's problem
8. Fighting against odds
9. The delay of reinforcements
10. The nation's problem
11. More awakening
12. The nation's business
13. Wanted, the man
14. The strategy of the war
15. The decisive battle
16. Substantial progress
17. The eleventh hour
18. Try, try, try again
19. A commander
20. Cronje's sedan
21. The Boer defeats
22. The collapse of the Boer power