Extracts from the diary of the Right Rev Arthur Hamilton Baynes DD, Bishop of Natal
George Bell & Sons, London 1900.


Author's preface
Chapter I - On the Brink
Chapter II - First Days of War
Chapter III - The First Fights
Chapter IV - Reverses
Chapter V - A Visit to Estcourt
Chapter VI - The Boer Raid
Chapter VII - The Invasion Stayed
Chapter VIII - A Week End in Camp
Chapter IX - Vicissitudes of War
Chapter X - Again at the Front
Chapter XI - Daily Duties
Chapter XII - At the Front with General Buller
Chapter XIII - Incidents of Camp Life
Chapter XIV - Crossing the Tugela
Chapter XV - The Fighting around Spion Kop
Chapter XVI - Diocesan Work
Chapter XVII - From Cape Town to Kimberley
Chapter XVIII - Kimberley
Chapter XIX - At the Cape
Chapter XX - Conclusion


The Right Rev. A. H. Baynes, Bishop of Natal Ladysmith and Umbuluwana Nottingham Road No. IV. General Hospital, Mooi River

The Drakensberg On the Tugela The Point, Durban Cape Town and Table Bay

On the Way to Kimberley Alexandersfontein, near Kimberley Boer Laager, Magersfontein Boer Trenches at Magersfontein
(Two Views)

Kalk Bay


In preparing these extracts from my brothers Diary for publication, I have found the work of selection a rather difficult task.
The interest throughout depends so largely on the many personal references, that I have been anxious not to cut too much ; on the other hand, some unimportant details may have been retained : for any such faults of omission or commission I take all responsibility.
The Diary does not pretend to any literary merit ; it is simply a hastily written record, for home reading, of days of intense interest and
of stirring events.
I have added, as a concluding chapter, two letters which were written for the *Natal Diocesan Magazine."
I am glad to have this opportunity of publicly expressing my thanks to Mr. Clinton Dent for the kind help he has given me in the revising
of the proofs, and also for allowing a few of his photographs to be reproduced.

Helen E. Baynes.
Mount View,
May 1900.