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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes 
JohnsonFSupp 2nd&2nd OfficerTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Dunera / Jelunga (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnsonH E2nd OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Ula (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnsonH MMasterTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Princess of Wales (Albion). Presented by the King 4 Nov 03
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnsonW1st OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Cephalonia (Cunard).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnstonJChief OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Mongolian (Allan Line).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnstonLChief EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Laurentian (Allan Line).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnstonTMasterTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Zibenghla (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnstonWChief OfficerTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Maine (Atlantic Transport). Presented by the King 4 Nov 03
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnstonW B3rd OfficerTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Lawada / Lalpoora (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JohnstonW H3rd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Winkfield (Lawther Latta).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JollyG HChief EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Atlantian (Leyland Line).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JollyT3rd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Manchester Merchant (Manchester Liners).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesA W3rd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Avoca (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesBMasterTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Ulstermore (Wm Johnston).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesE F2nd OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Booldana / Lindula (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesF M2nd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Avoca (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesG H B3rd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Kaifong (China Navigation).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesH PMasterTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Rewa / Jelunga (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesH TChief OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Austral (Orient S N Line).
Source: Transport Medal roll
JonesIMasterTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Templemore (Wm Johnston). Presented by the King 4 Nov 03
Source: Transport Medal roll
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