The Conspiracy of the 19th Century Unmasked
By C H Thomas of Belfast Transvaal, formerly Orange Free State Burgher
Hodder & Stoughton, London


Cursory history of the Boer nation
Prosperity of Boers and political relations with England up to 1881
Transvaal history—suzerainty
Treatment of uitlanders—franchise
Monster petition—Jameson incursion—armaments
Bloemfontein franchise conference—Boer ultimatum
Boer language
The Dutch coterie: its seat in Holland
Afrikaner bond—outlines and programme
Pacific policy of Great Britain
Bond press propaganda—secret service—trade rivalries
Disloyalty of colonial Boers
Portuguese territory—Transvaal low veldt—malaria—horse sickness
Climate and topography
Boer preparedness for war
Alliance of Orange Free State with Transvaal—suzerainty
The Transvaal dynamite and explosives monopoly
Bond fighting strength in beginning of 1899
Boer conservatism
An old Free Stater's admonition
Modus vivendi suggested by old Free Stater
Mr. Chamberlain's policy to avert war
Afrikaner bond guilt in gradations
The Boers' native policy
England's native and colonial policy
Occult operations and agencies
Physique and habits
President Krüger
Peace adjustments
Parent Category: Books
Category: Thomas: Origin of the Anglo-Boer War revealed
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