Was in Ladysmith when Sir George White arrived in Natal. Along with the 42nd Battery did excellent work at Elandslaagte, 21st October 1899 (see 1st Devons). Their services at Lombard's Kop or Ladysmith, 30th October, like those of Sir George White's other batteries, were invaluable, and prevented a check from being a defeat. 'The Times' historian has laid the greatest possible stress on this point, and undoubtedly Britain owed very much to the six batteries RFA engaged that day. Before the naval guns had arrived the little 15-pounders had actually pushed in under the nose of the 100-lb monster on Pepworth Hill, and had driven his workers from his side. The value of their services was freely acknowledged by Sir George White. After the siege commenced the artillery had plenty to do. On 3rd November the 21st, 42nd, and 53rd were sent out and again earned praise. On the day of the great attack the 21st was at Range Post to prevent reinforcements reaching the enemy from the west, and with the 42nd were "of great assistance in keeping down the violence of the enemy's fire from Mounted Infantry Hill". The 53rd took up a position on Klip River Flats, absolutely unconcerned by the huge projectiles hurtling from Bulwana; and they did much to ensure the enemy's defeat, "shelling the south-east portion of Ceesar's Camp with great effect and inflicting very heavy losses on the enemy "(Sir George White's despatch). Major Blewitt was mentioned in Sir George White's despatches of 2nd December 1899 and 23rd March 1900, and 1 other officer, 5 non-commissioned officers, and a trumpeter—all of the 21st —in that of 23rd March, In General Buller's northern advance the 21st, 42nd, and 53rd were again much in evidence, and frequently earned commendation. In Lord Robert's telegram of 24th August 1900, speaking of an attempted ambush, he said, "These guns [the enemy's] were silenced by a section of the 21st Battery under Lieutenant Hannay, and the trap failed". At Bergendal, 27th August (see 2nd Rifle Brigade), the Brigade Division again did well and was praised by General Buller, the 42nd being specially mentioned on this occasion. In Lord Roberts' despatch of 10th October 1900, para 35, the very skilful work of this Brigade Division was again recognised. In General Buller's final despatch 2 officers and 3 non-commissioned officers of the 21st were mentioned. In the second phase of the war this battery chiefly operated in the Eastern Transvaal. One section did excellent service with Colonel Benson in 1901. The Sergeant Major was mentioned in Lord Kitchener's despatch of 8th July 1901.
Royal Field Artillery - 21st Battery
- Details
- Parent Category: Imperial units
- Category: Royal Field Artillery
- Hits: 9549