
The full name for the Wound Riband is Lint voor Verwonding Opgedaan Gedurende de Anglo-Boeroorlog 1899-1902.  Here, this is shortened to LVW.  The LVW could be issued where the recipient was wounded in action.

The regulations for the award of the LVW were published in the Government Gazette of the Union of South Africa number 2307 on 21 December 1920.  The application form for people to be awarded the LVW was called Form C.  Originally, 1,000 forms were printed.  Eventually, 1058 applications were approved.  The recipients has to apply for the LVW personally and this, coupled with the fact that the award was made 18 years after the conflict ended, means the number of people entitled to the LVW would have been much greater.

The colours of the Riband are red, green, white, orange and blue.  The Riband is worm immediately after the ABO at a length of 1.25 inches.


Parent Category: Medals and awards
Category: Boer medals
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